Homemade Honey Lemonade

Homemade Honey Lemonade

Are you looking for a sophisticated version of the all-time summer delight, homemade lemonade on the internet? Luckily for you, you’ve found what you’re looking for as you’ll learn here the most refreshing way for a freshly squeezed lemonade with a honey recipe to make it special. This honey lemonade recipe is an easy favorite for both youngsters and oldies.

Three Simple Ingredients

Yes, you read it right. You’ll only need three simple ingredients to lighten up your day with a refreshing honey lemonade beverage.

  1. Lemon Juice- it’s best to pick on the freshly picked lemon available. In the absence of real lemon fruit, a bottled can would do as well.
  2. Honey- a perfect combination for a lemon would be a sweetener in the form of honey. 
  3. Water- you’re free to choose if you’re going to use warm or cold water, together with ice cubes. Water is important to dilute the lemon extract and its acidity.

The Vital Role of Honey in Sweetening Process

Using raw honey is a useful way to naturally sweeten a thirst-quenching homemade lemonade recipe. Honey as an ingredient for beverages is an easy choice for most drink-lovers. While you can also use sugar as a substitute, it’s safe to say that the aroma of your lemonade won’t be the same without the taste of honey.

You can dissolve honey by using hot water as recommended by most recipe instructions or use a blender to execute the sweetening process naturally to retain its health benefits.

So What Did it Cost?

  • Freshly-squeezed lemon juice – $0.50
  • Honey syrup – $1.20
  • Water – FREE

Isn’t it delightful? A great equalizer for the scorching heat of summer will only cost you less than a pair of bucks? With the presence of three simple ingredients, you can already create a total delight for you and your peers. And even if it’s not summer, the consumption of honey and lemon would still be beneficial for your health, especially during the flu season.



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