How often should I wear the egg?

Although doing the kegel exercises will enhance your experience with the yoni egg, one can reap the benefits by simply wearing it! The egg is working its’ magic regardless! We would recommend to start with about 2 hours 3 times a week.  It is generally fine to wear it for up to 12 hours, but as always, trust your intuition.  It is a good idea to take it out after 12 hours to clean it and let your yoni rest.

However, if you find that you have trouble holding the egg in as you walk around then you should start with just sitting with the egg a few times a week for  10 or 15 minutes (or whatever amount of time you have) and focus on squeezing the egg and seeing if you can feel it. Over time your strength will increase so that you can walk around with it.

Included with your yoni egg order is a complimentary Yoni Egg Guide