Nucleus Hive Services ( 5-frames nucleus hive )
Nucleus Hive Services ( 5-frames nucleus hive )
Normaler Preis
$75.00 USD
Normaler Preis
$75.00 USD
Nucleus hives allow you to transfer bees into beehives and start their own colonies.
We offer a 5-frame nucleus hive for $295, which includes the required $100 deposit. The nucleus hives come with 3 frames of brood (baby bees), one laying Queen, all of her workers, and 2 frames of honey to feed the bees.
Nucleus hives can only carry 5 frames and do not include any supers (larger wooden bee boxes) or any other equipment for the next stage to transfer to the main hive such as inner covers, outer covers, queen excluders, etc. Other equipment can be purchased separately through us.
Our nucleus hives will be available starting in mid-June.